Diary of a Fat Girl by Moira Mugweni

Guest Book Review

25878001The perfect coming of age book, Diary of a Fat Girl by Moira Mugweni is an engaging book about a girl named Bernadette Rivers, or Bernie as she likes to be called. It’s her last summer before she heads off to her dream college, and she decides that she wants to be a new person. To Bernie, there’s no better way to do that than by changing her appearance. Bernie considers herself overweight, so she decides to work out and lose some weight before college begins. Her new trainer and former classmate, Warren Gray, attempts to help her achieve her fitness goal, but a few complications occur along her fitness journey. Will she succeed and meet her long desired goal, or will she give up and decide that none of this is worth her time? In order to figure that out, you’ll have to read the book yourself. I highly suggest you do, because once you read it, you won’t want it to end. I recommend this book for mature people who love romance and drama.

~ Talia W., age 14


Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul

51gRT1pt+gLAloha, BookBirdz followers! I hope you’re all cherishing the summer sun and reading a lot. Here I have the fourth official guest book review, written by 12-year-old Brooke Kauo on Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul, by various authors… This book is amazing, filled with real-life stories that teenagers can relate to and learn from. I personally thought that this book was my level and I could understand every single story. Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is a book that I could relate too, the friendship chapter in the book was the part I could most relate too. I like how girls and boys in my age range, write anecdotes that have happened in their life. Many of the stories that I have read are very inspiring. I hope that I will be able to read more series of the Chicken Soup books.